Fødsel - Igangsetting av fødsel - Pasientinformasjon Engelsk v. 1.13


Patient information

Inducing labour 

The best option for you and your baby is that the birth process starts spontaneously. We do not recommend induction of labour unless it is required to ensure the wellbeeing of the mother or child. The baby's lungs should be as mature as possible, and the mother's body should be ready to give birth.    

Managing pregnancy after due date: Based on assessments throughout your pregnancy you will be recommended induction of labour between due date and the 11th day after due date at the latest. If you are healthy and have had a healthy pregnancy “Kvinneklinikken SUS” offer “Terminkontroll” (due date check-up) day 4-7 after due date. A date for induction will be recommended based on the findings of this “Terminkontroll”. The decision will be made in dialogue with you and your partner. If induction is recommended before day 4-7 due to conditions concerning you or your baby, “terminkontroll” (due date check-up) will not be necessary.

We use various methods to induce labour.

  • On the first day of induction a soft rubber tube is inserted into the cervix, and the balloon in the catheter is filled with a small amount of liquid. There may also be a balloon in the vagina outside the cervix. The pressure on the cervix of the two balloons will enhance ripening of the cervix. The balloons gently stretches the cervix, and birth-stimulating substances are released so that the cervix ripens. The process might take time and is gentle to avoid strong contractions too soon.
  • You will be able to go home with the catheter with an appointment to come back the next day. If the catheter falls out, you have contractions, or the water breaks, we ask you to contact the labour ward.
  • Based on individual assessment we some times will want you to stay in the ward.
  • If the balloon catheter has not fallen out by the next day, we will apply stretching to the catheter for about 12 hours, or till the catheter falls out.
  • When the katheter has come out, we will attempt to break the waters. If the cervix is not ripe enough we go on to hormonal stimulation. A capsule (Cytotec) is inserted into your vagina or swallowed with water. (Not with previous caesarean.)
  • The next day there will be a new attempt to break the waters. If this is not possible, a new ballon catheter can be considered or hormonal stimulation.
  • After the water has been broken you will normally experience contractions.
  • If you haven't started to experience contractions within 3-6 hours after your waters have been broken, we will stimulate the onset of contractions with an "oxytocin drip". We start with a low dose and increase carefully until you have contractions of your own. Sometime the maternity department is so busy that we have to delay the induction in order to ensure adequate monitoring during your birthing process.

Welcome to the Women's Clinic!      

Kvinneklinikken SUS, April 2024